Understanding the role F2F marketing plays in the customer experience.


The new customer experience has created a drastic shift in how marketers engage with customers — with much of the focus being placed on the digital space. Yet, positive face-to-face experiences remain an important driver for creating long-lasting customer relationships. In fact, according to the Content Marketing Institute’s “2015 Benchmarks, Budgets, and Trends — North [...]

Understanding the role F2F marketing plays in the customer experience.2016-08-26T08:21:40-05:00

Pull Your Business Strategy Forward With Corporate Messaging.


Have you ever assessed your business strategy through the lens of your corporate message? You should. Architecting a corporate message that will pull your business strategy forward is key to your success. However, there is often a lack of connectivity between an organization’s strategy and its messaging. And even worse, it is frequently left to the [...]

Pull Your Business Strategy Forward With Corporate Messaging.2016-12-06T16:32:49-06:00

Executives Place Customer Experience at the Top of Their Priority Lists.


According to a Forrester Research report, improving the customer experience is a strategic priority for 73 percent of companies surveyed. Accelerating business growth is also a top priority for business leaders, and these two initiatives go hand-in-hand. To achieve growth, companies must create a customer experience that builds trust and nurtures loyalty with their customers. [...]

Executives Place Customer Experience at the Top of Their Priority Lists.2016-12-06T16:34:40-06:00

A compelling customer experience leads to compelling business growth.


We live in a self-service age — an age in which customers have seized control of the buying process. In fact, more than half of the buying process occurs via research conducted by the customer or prospect independent of sales representatives. Which is why B2B companies across all industries are getting smarter about delivering a [...]

A compelling customer experience leads to compelling business growth.2016-08-26T08:43:59-05:00

The opportunity and the challenge of the new chief marketing technologist.


In 2012, Gartner made the bold projection that by 2017 the CMO would outspend the CIO on technology, and Forrester Research has been advocating for some time for a new C-suite role: the chief marketing technologist. Technology is in a state of swift and constant change, and forward-thinking CEOs are taking steps to ensure their [...]

The opportunity and the challenge of the new chief marketing technologist.2016-08-26T08:44:54-05:00

Create a consistent customer experience with corporate messaging.


Corporate messaging presents and maintains a consistent corporate image across all media channels and is a crucial component to providing a transparent customer experience. An effective messaging platform creates a clear, compelling and consistent message at each phase of the customer experience. Companies that bring the corporate message to life throughout the customer experience increase [...]

Create a consistent customer experience with corporate messaging.2016-11-14T15:19:56-06:00

About OnMessage

OnMessage is the B2B communications consultancy executives call when it counts. When strategic shifts in the business take place, when financial performance is on the line and when the message absolutely must deliver material business results.

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