There is a difference between “talking at” and “talking with,” and in the age of the customer experience this distinction is more important than ever before. Every professional has had the unfortunate experience of being talked at when browsing a company’s website or blog, when participating in a sales presentation or when participating in a professional event. Marketers “talk at” their audience when they approach corporate messaging from a “let me tell you more about me” approach rather than asking the engaging question, “How can I help you?”

The goal of corporate messaging is to create a compelling customer experience through a clear, differentiated and consistent story that identifies your company’s core value and points of difference in a manner that connects with customer needs. So, how do you determine what matters most to your customers? You ask them.

Savvy marketers know the value of identifying the key personas within each of their target audiences and engaging a thoughtful interview process. The data that is surfaced from the research and interview process is then converted into invaluable persona profiles that allow you to craft your core value and key points of difference in a way that resonates with your customers’ unique pain points and points of view.

The process of getting into your customers’ heads and asking the important question, “How can I help you?” enriches your corporate message and optimizes the customer experience at every touch point.