Have you audited your story (messaging) lately?

What percentage of it speaks to your customers? Their pain? The problems they are trying to solve? What they are trying to accomplish? How you can help them get there?

What percentage of your story is about your products? Features? Capabilities? Bits and bytes? Speeds and feeds?

Well, if your business is like other B2B companies — your messaging is weighted too heavily on products and doesn’t speak enough about how you create value for customers. But, don’t take our word for it. Do the audit.

You’ll likely discover exactly what Forrester Research did when they evaluated 60 websites of leading B2B companies across 12 industries. Forrester determined that only four of 60 companies earned a passing score based on how well their story engaged potential buyers and inspired them to act.

Only 14% of B2B companies explicitly mention the measurable business outcomes they help buyers achieve in their messaging.

What is probably even more shocking is that Forrester found B2B marketers admit they talk mostly about themselves: 90% said their corporate pitch focused mainly on the company’s unique strategy and product portfolio details.

Wait. It gets worse. Just 14% of companies explicitly mentioned the measurable business outcomes buyers will achieve working with the company versus sticking with the status quo or buying from a competitor.

As a marketing or business leader — you simply can’t afford for this to happen. Especially when 67% of B2B buyers prefer conducting most of their research online and not talking with salespeople before making buying decisions.

Make no mistake about it, your story directly impacts financial performance. In fact, companies that have highly engaging and customer-centric stories grow 1.5 times faster than their competitors — so, you simply can’t afford for your message to miss its mark.

It’s time to connect with customers from their point of view. It’s time to rebalance your story.

Request a briefing with one of our messaging experts today to learn how we can help.