If you are in the B2B space, you’ve likely read all the statistics about the rapidly evolving buying process. Complexity is the theme. More stakeholders are involved. Sales cycles are getting longer. Decision makers are doing more and more independent research before contacting a salesperson. One statistic you may not have uncovered is that 67% of B2B buyers say that relevant communication highly influences the decision to choose one provider over another.

67% of B2B buyers list relevant communication as a top influence for choosing one solutions provider over another

Which means, your message matters more than ever before. And, it has to resonate with the stakeholders involved in the buying process. Do you have a clear and current understanding of the voice of your customer? Do you know what keeps them up at night, their fundamental buying requirements, the compelling events that trigger the need for your product/service? Does your messaging speak to these and other critical drivers in the buying process?

Arming your sales team and infusing your content with highly relevant messaging that resonates with buyers can make the difference between winning more deals or losing out to the competition.

When was the last time you went through a disciplined “messaging — buyer alignment” process?

If your lead generation efforts are failing. If your sales closure rates are falling. It might be time to stop down and align your go-to-market messaging with the voice of your customer (buyers). While this will take some time and effort, it will be well worth it. Having a message that aligns with your buyers’ mindset will attract more attention, convert more qualified leads and significantly increase your revenue for quarters to come.