Developing a clear, compelling and consistent corporate story is important for customer engagement — however, where many fall short is “consistently” bringing that story to life throughout the customer experience.

Don’t forget, as your company evolves and changes — so does the story being shares by employees and partners throughout the customer journey. So, when your story is left, let’s just say unmanaged — it will take on a life of its own and thus, become more inconsistent and compelling when it is shared with customers.

That’s why modern business leaders are implementing corporate messaging training and activation programs to ensure …

Employees become compelling storytellers.
When you infuse your story into your corporate culture, employees are able to fully understand, embrace and actively share the corporate story in daily work activities.

Sales conversations convert more customers.
When you align sales tools and selling conversations with the pillars of your corporate story, magic happens — buyers convert at a significantly higher rate.

Content marketers amplify the corporate story.
When you intentionally design thought leadership content to extend and amplify your corporate story, the customer experience becomes more connected and convincing.

So don’t forget, every customer journey begins and ends with a conversation. To create a differentiated customer experience you must infuse a clear, compelling and consistent story into your corporate DNA. To learn how we can help you make this happen, speak with one of our experts today.

That’s Your OnMessage Minute.