Every business leader and executive team is looking for an edge — something that will accelerate growth and business performance.

Some turn to product innovation. Many lean on organizational change initiatives. Others place more pressure on sales to deliver better results. The sad truth? According to a recent Harvard Business Review (HBR), most leaders have the answer right in front of them.

It’s called communication.

Not simply more communication. But intentional and sustained communication in support of the company’s go-to-market strategy and goals. In fact, when HBR asked business leaders what factors they believe have the greatest impact on business performance — effective communication was second on the list.

This should come as no surprise. When employees understand and align with the company’s go-to-market strategy and goals — clarity and alignment dramatically improves. Which in return means business performance goes through the roof.

The problem is, most leadership teams take strategic communication too lightly. They do not have an intentional and sustained communications plan that ensures every employee understands how the company’s strategy links to their role and daily work activities.

Executive teams must understand: They don’t just own the strategy. They own the story behind the strategy.

Only when business leaders take complete ownership of the story will employees truly understand how to align their words, actions and decisions in support of that strategy.

We have been helping C-suite teams align their go-to-market strategy and internal story for almost two decades. We can help you too. Request a briefing with our experts today.

That’s Your OnMessage Minute.