With 74% of Companies Shifting to Permanent WFH Models, It’s Time for CEOs to Embrace the Value of Intentional, Sustained Communications.

The lasting impact COVID-19 will have on commercial real estate, corporate culture and employee engagement is quickly becoming apparent. Recent restrictions have shown C-suite executives that money can be saved by significantly reducing their corporate real estate footprint and now they are looking to embrace the new work-from-home (WFH) model for the long haul. This decision will forever change how CEOs and the C-suite build culture and communicate with employees. That said, maintaining a strong connection between your employees and your company’s mission, vision, values and strategy will become even more important in the future.

The question is, how will you maintain strategic alignment across a workforce that is becoming more and more physically separated?

74% of CFOs say a larger percentage of their workforce will permanently work from home.

The answer: Clear, consistent, intentional and sustained communication.

Montgomery, an advisory partner at Finsbury, once said in a Wharton Business School article:

“CEOs commonly blame lousy communication when well-laid plans go awry. Yet, paradoxically, communications is an undervalued, lightly regarded discipline in the theory and practice of corporate leadership.”

In the post-COVID new world order … this will no longer be an option.

Bullet-proof communication strategies will be an absolute requirement for maintaining optimal performance in highly distributed work environments. Those leaders who value and understand this fact — and leverage intentional communication as a strategic weapon — will maintain organizational clarity, alignment and performance. Those who do not, will see their cultures and financial performance disintegrate over time.

In that same Wharton School of Business article, Montgomery describes the inevitable outcome for business leaders who do not believe in or embrace the power of intentional communications. In fact, he shares the story of one CEO, in particular, who failed on this front:

“In short, weak communication efforts helped fuel the crisis, which led to the CEO’s departure. That opened the path to corporate salvation under a new CEO whose dedication to effective communication was a key strength of his leadership.”

Don’t let this happen to you. Don’t let this happen to your business.

Elevate strategic communication to the top of your C-suite priority list.

Interested in learning more about the power and influence of strategic communications? Purchase 40+ Ways to Increase Organizational Clarity, Alignment and Performance on Amazon today!