Dizzied by technology? CRM, marketing automation, web analytics, mobile technology, big data … the list goes on and on. Technology has taken the field of marketing by storm, and a large percentage of technology entering the marketing arena is directly tied to new channels through which customers can engage with your company’s story — social media, mobile, text, video, gaming, search, etc.

Just a short time ago, what was a simple marketing mix is now a complex web of channels that marketing executives must evaluate and determine how to utilize within their integrated demand-generation strategies. That said, making haphazard technology investments and dabbling in new channels can cost you a lot of time and money — if it is not done correctly. You might be saying ‘But, we have to try out new technologies and channels to determine if and how they work.’ And you are right. By no means are we recommending that you don’t get in the game. But what we do recommend is that you have a sound “messaging game plan” in place before you get too far down the road.

Because, let’s get real: Marketing lives and dies by the message. It doesn’t matter if that message is delivered via your website, tweets, mobile ads, Facebook posts or search advertising. What does matter is that your message is clear, compelling and consistent across all of the channels through which you connect with customers.

The well-respected David Ogilvy said it best:

“What really convinces consumers to buy or not to buy is the content of your advertising, not its form.” 

Are you simply making investments in the form (new technologies and channels)?

Have you forgotten about the quality of the content (your story)?

We get it. You absolutely need to understand and embrace technology as part of your sales and marketing strategy. But, isn’t it about time you ask yourself, ‘Have we gotten so consumed with bits and bytes that we’ve lost sight of the true key to sales and marketing success — our story?’

Let Us Help You Technology-Enable Your Message.

Our team has deep and wide experience breaking down highly complex demand-generation strategies and providing B2B companies with a Messaging Platform that drives clarity and consistency across all of your technology-enabled channels. We can help you develop and deliver a compelling story that creates meaningful connections between your brand and the prospects you desire to engage in the buying journey. Request a briefing with our experts today.