“Marketing used to be what you say. Now, marketing is what you do. What you make. How you act. The choices you make when you are sure no one is looking.”
— Seth Godin

Seth Godin means that marketing today is all about the customer experience — and to influence the customer experience, marketing executives must play a larger, broader role in the organization. And, according to a study published by IBM Institute for Business Value, this is happening. CMOs have become increasingly influential in the boardroom, and they are now second only to the CFO in terms of the influence he or she exerts on the CEO.

Yet most CMOs — concerned with the need to validate the value of marketing — still focus too much of their time on metrics and technology instead of delivering a differentiated experience throughout the customer journey.

To create a compelling and consistent customer experience, marketing executives must change the way the organization engages and communicates with customers.

This starts and ends with your corporate story.

CMOs must focus on developing a clear, consistent and compelling message, and infuse that message throughout the organization, to truly have a material impact on the business.

This requires a new mindset. CMOs must become organizational change agents who empower employees to bring the corporate story to life with every connection they make.

CMOs must ensure corporate messaging is woven into the fabric of the organization through sustained internal change management programs that consist of formal and informal training, education and internal marketing campaigns. This is the only way every employee will fully understand your story and bring it to life consistently throughout the customer experience.

Delivering a clear, compelling and consistent corporate message is the one thing that can deliver sustained business results. It is the one thing that has the power to improve lead generation, sales conversion rates, customer retention … and ultimately, the customer experience.

Learn how we can help you bring a clear, compelling and consistent story to life throughout the customer experience in 2022. Speak with one of our experts today

That’s Your OnMessage Minute.