The pandemic has wreaked havoc on organizational performance over the last couple of years. That’s why it should not come as a surprise that a recent CEO Benchmarking Report from The Predictive Index found that 56% of CEOs believe employee performance is one of their most pressing challenges.

That’s why many business leaders are looking for ways to reset the mindset of their organization and reenergize their workforce.

Today, more than ever before, your employees have an unwavering desire to feel connected. To be part of something bigger. They need to believe that their work actually matters and they aren’t in this alone.

However, with the pandemic’s impact weighing on organizational culture, the opposite is true:

> Employees are more physically and mentally disconnected from the organization.
> Leaders are struggling to foster teamwork, collaboration and unity.

That’s why C-suite executives must put into play strategic initiatives that reconnect employees with one another … and the company’s vision, strategy and story.

How do you do this?

You get back to the basics. You reconnect your entire workforce with your greater purpose, the value you bring to the world and why it matters.

To make this happen, your entire leadership team must reignite the strategic messages and intentional communication programs that will bring your company story and strategy to life throughout the organization.

This requires a formal, sustained activation plan in support of your corporate vision, greater purpose and got-to-market strategy. A plan that leverages the messaging and communication channels that will reengage and reconnect employees across the country and around the world.

Do you want to ignite the fire, purpose and positive energy that is required to take your business to new levels?

We can help. We will partner with your leadership team to develop and active a new story for your company. A story that aligns with your go-to-market strategy and unites your workforce.

Request a briefing with one of our experts to learn how we can ensure you establish the connected, high-energy culture you need to deliver positive business performance for years to come.

That’s Your OnMessage Minute.