Now more than ever — your customers demand clarity and consistency. They want to partner with brands that know who they are, what they stand for and how they can help them personally and professionally.

That’s why smart brands are re-evaluating the clarity and consistency of their stories as they head into 2021.

Smart brands are re-aligning their story with what matters most to buyers in the current economic environment and COVID culture. Brands like Emarsys, an OnMessage client.

emarsys logo

We worked with Emarsys to build a clear, compelling and consistent brand story that connected with buyers and differentiated their brand from competitors in the very noisy and crowded MarTech space.

emarsys messaging platform & framework

With a solid brand story (Messaging Platform) in place, we also partnered with Emarsys to pull that story consistently throughout the buyer journey and customer experience. This was accomplished by intentionally infusing strategic messages from the platform into online and offline communication channels.

emarsys website
emarsys Digital Marketing Leaders

In addition, messaging training and education programs were delivered to ensure sales reps and other customer-facing employees were comfortable and confident delivering consistent messages in their daily conversations and communication vehicles.

emarsys Outcome Driven
emarsys we get it

By following our disciplined process and putting these powerful tools in place, Emarsys is equipped to deliver the clarity and consistency that their buyers and customers demand. Just ask Alex Timlin, SVP of Verticals at Emarsys …

“When you play in a crowded space, like we do, it is critical that you clearly and consistently communicate the value you bring to customers. That’s why we engaged OnMessage. Their team helped us crystallize our positioning, clarify the value we deliver and develop a clearly differentiated story. They definitely have the expertise, methodology and tools high-growth companies need to rapidly align leadership, sales and marketing around a consistent message.”