“We engaged OnMessage for their disciplined approach and extensive experience. They quickly grasped our market, business and challenge. Then their team worked closely with our key internal stakeholders to shape a story that was easy to execute top-down, across the organization and fully resonated with our customers.”

Saleem Cheeks | Vice President, Communications at AngioDynamics

Your customers’ stories matter.
To employees. To customers. To future buyers.

That’s why, at OnMessage, we try to elevate the voice of our customer in everything we do. In fact, you can hear more stories from OnMessage clients here.

Do you want to establish more meaningful connections with your employees and future buyers?

Then your employees must hear the voice of your existing customers and your buyers must hear their stories — consistently.

Real customer experience stories — shared internally and externally — bring your customer’s challenges, aspirations, experiences and outcomes to life. But, are customer stories really that important? Well, according to Adam Grant, a professor at Wharton …

“When customers describe how a company’s products and services make a difference, they bring a leader’s vision to life in an incredible, memorable way.”

By elevating real customer experience stories, you paint a more vivid and real picture of your vision, and your promise to buyers becomes much more believable.

In fact, David Hofmann, an organizational psychologist, also said …

“Employees and buyers generally see customers as more credible than leaders as sources of inspiration.”

Bottomline — blending real customer experience stories into organizational communication and demand generation programs enables you to create more meaningful connections with your employees, customers and future buyers.

So, do you want to elevate organizational performance and accelerate growth?

Start elevating the voice of your customer in every thing you do.

That’s Your OnMessage Minute.