Given the state of the world today, it is challenging to just get out of bed — let alone rally the troops across your organization. But, history has proven that persistence pays. Leaders who persevere, or have grit, are more likely to be successful than those who waver or fail to stay the course. In fact, some researchers say that “grit” is a bigger driver of success than IQ or natural ability.

So, to get through the challenges that are in front of all of us, the first thing leaders must do … is be persistent.

But persistent in what? Our convictions.

Our unwavering belief in our businesses, people, customers and our products. Then we need to add consistency to the mix. We must execute against those convictions … consistently. Consistent execution has always been and will always be the great multiplier in business.

#1 trait of companies with the highest customer satisfaction was consistency.


So the winning formula for success is …

Persistence + Conviction x Consistency = Sustained Business Performance

At OnMessage, this is the exact same formula we recommend leaders apply to their corporate story.

  • Be persistent in honing your story.
  • Build conviction in your story.
  • Then deliver that story consistently over time.

Many business professionals think that messaging is something that you spin up. Something that is situational. But the truth is, high performing companies and leaders think differently. They view their story as an anchor. As foundational to who they are, what they do and the true value they deliver.

High-performers …

  • Work hard to crystallize their story.
  • Secure buy-in and belief in that story.
  • Then they ensure that story is brought to life consistently in everything that they do.

While these are difficult times, they provide you with the perfect opportunity to re-evaluate your story. To change the role it plays in your business. And determine how you will deliver a consistent story that will produce sustained performance and growth well into the future.