As a CEO or business leader, you are experiencing changes across your company like no generation of executives before. And this rapid pace of change is redefining how business leaders approach internal and external communications.

In the past, communication was important, but maybe not at the top of every CEO or business leader’s priority list. Today, leading executives understand the correlation between the desired outcome of change and the clarity of strategic communication in support of that change.

According to Knoll Workplace Research, substantial organizational change occurs every three years. How much has your business changed the last three quarters, let alone the last three years?

Most likely, you have experienced changes in your …

> Product or service offerings

> Sales structure and process

> Buyer requirements

> Culture and employee experience

> Corporate vision and mission

> Go-to-market strategy and priorities

Have you formulated a clear, compelling and consistent corporate story that aligns with all of the changes that have taken place in your business?

What is your plan for ensuring leaders and frontline employees understand and embrace that story?

As the CEO, if you are not thinking about these questions and leading the conversation in these areas — you should be. Why? Because you ultimately own the changes you are implementing across the business and how these changes impact the story your employees share throughout the customer experience.

OnMessage is the B2B communications consultancy executives call when it counts. When strategic shifts in the business take place, when financial performance is on the line and when the message absolutely must deliver material business results.

Learn how we can help you develop a clear, compelling and consistent corporate story that aligns with your current and future go-to-market strategy in 2023. Schedule a briefing with one of our experts today.

That’s Your OnMessage Minute.