McKinsey & Company released findings from their B2B Decision Maker Pulse Survey, and the results should have you assessing the role your online story plays in the B2B buyer journey and sales process. According to McKinsey’s research, digital channels in the B2B buying process have radically increased in importance. Digitally enabled B2B buyer interactions jumped significantly in the last 24 months.

Gartner research also shows that digital channels have made it far easier for B2B buyers to gather information independently. This means sellers have less access and fewer opportunities to influence B2B buying decisions. In fact‚ Gartner research shows when B2B buyers are considering a purchase‚ they spend only 17% of their time communicating with salespeople who work for potential suppliers.

Bottomline? The majority of the B2B purchasing process is based on the story you share online.

This should have you, and every other leader in your business, asking:

When was the last time we conducted an audit of our story across all digital channels?

That question should be quickly followed with:

Is the story we are sharing online clear, compelling and consistent?

Is it aligned with our strategic positioning and priorities?

Is our value proposition obvious and omnipresent?

And last, but not least …

If a prospect made their purchasing decision solely based on the story we are sharing online … would they buy from us?

Now, more than ever, you must ensure that your online story is consistent and clearly differentiates your company from the competition. It must be at the top of your 2022 priority list if you want to effectively engage B2B buyers in the years ahead.

Schedule a briefing with our experts today to learn how we can help you audit and improve your company’s omnichannel story.

That’s Your OnMessage Minute.