It’s that time of year when leaders start thinking about end-of-year planning and strategic plans for 2020.

One of the biggest challenges business leaders face when developing a strategy is translating it into a story that will resonate with internal stakeholders. A story that will inspire the desired actions and outcomes the strategy was designed to deliver.

How valuable would it be to have your strategy for the coming year captured in a clear, concise and compelling story?      

A story that you could share with leaders, employees, prospects and customers.

A story that would increase clarity, alignment and performance across your organization.

The answer for most leaders is something like …

That would be invaluable.”

Your Strategy in a Compelling Story.
We understand — most executives don’t have time to capture and document their strategy in a way that it can be easily shared with others. And yet, it is a story that your leaders, employees, prospects and customers desperately need to hear.

What if you could have your vision for the business and go-to-market strategy translated and packaged into a complete, compelling story?

That’s precisely what OnMessage delivers … in just days. A compelling story you can share with leaders, employees, prospects and customers that captures your…

  • Goals
  • Strategic priorities
  • Critical initiatives
  • Action steps
  • Desired outcomes
  • Business imperatives

… into a clear, compelling and consistent story that will produce the results you are looking to achieve in the coming months, quarters and year.

How can we do this? It’s simple.

OnMessage has more than 20 years of experience in executive and corporate communications. We have worked with hundreds of C-level executives. We have the strategic messaging expertise required to make it happen. Leveraging this wealth of experience and our agile development methodology — we will rapidly surface, capture and translate your strategy into a compelling story.

To learn more about our Strategy-as-a-Story Engagements, request a briefing today.