Now, more than ever, prospects and customers expect continuity and consistency in your story throughout their journey with your company. The only way to ensure this occurs is to develop and infuse a clear, compelling and consistent corporate message inside and outside of your organization.

In fact, a McKinsey study revealed the number one trait of organizations that deliver a superior customer experience is — the ability to develop and deliver a clear, consistent message.

That’s why it is critical that your organization have a well-defined process for delivering a consistent story throughout the customer experience — a process that will maximize engagement and deliver the highest return on every connection you make.

Everyone knows that effective engagement starts with a clear and compelling message that resonates with your target audience and is brought to life consistently through interactions prospects and customers have with your organization. However, this is a challenge for most companies. In fact, according to a recent survey, more than 73% of CMOs indicate that their teams are not on message.

Only when you have a strategic Corporate Messaging Platform in place can you expect employees to share a consistent story throughout the customer experience. This platform must go beyond a simple, single-page positioning document for the marketing department. It must include the actionable messaging content and tools that executives, sales, customer service, HR and every other customer-facing team across your organization so desperately needs to stay on message.

From casual conversations to client-facing meetings, social media interactions and more – your employees have the opportunity to make or break your brand and customer experience. In fact, a recent study found that up to 70% of brand perception is driven by the interactions and conversations prospects/customers have with your employees.

So, if you want to differentiate your business from competitors – it’s time to get on message. It’s time to share a single, consistent story that your entire organization will get behind and bring to life in the customer experience.

Learn how we can help differentiate your business from the competition with a clear, consistent story. Speak with one of our experts today.

That’s Your OnMessage Minute.