Many of today’s CMOs and CEOs have lost touch with a critical fact: the strength of a company’s story is intrinsically tied to the financial performance of the business. If your corporate story is ineffective and inconsistently delivered, financial performance suffers. However, when your story is clear, compelling and consistently delivered throughout the customer experience, top-line and bottom-line results thrive.

But most companies treat corporate messaging as nothing more than words on paper. Most companies develop and deliver their corporate story in an ad hoc manner. When you take these two facts and add that we work in a business world driven by instant gratification, short cuts and quick wins — you have a recipe for disaster.

Development and Delivery Processes Matter.
Tactic-driven, inconsistent and isolated — this is how most companies approach the development and delivery of their story throughout the customer experience. If your corporate message is going to drive financial performance, your messaging development and delivery process has to matter. It must be strategic, intentional and holistic. It’s the story that is consumed throughout the customer journey — across all channels and every touchpoint. Yet, why is it many executives (most won’t admit it) look for the sexy, quick win when it comes to getting their message in the market? They launch new campaigns, new brochures and websites … and for some reason think their work is done.

Infusion and Activation Make the Difference.
Even if a company lands on an extremely compelling message — if it’s not consistently delivered throughout the customer journey — it won’t be the story customers take away from the experience they have with the business. That’s why CMOs and executives have to redefine what the finish line looks like. It’s not just landing on a clear, compelling and consistent message. That’s the starting line.

Today, CMOs and CEOs that hang on to the old school approach to corporate messaging development and delivery will lose. Those that change the way they bring a clear, compelling and consistent story to life throughout the entire customer experience will win. And win big.

So if you want a new ad campaign — have at it. However, if you want to make a material impact on top-line and bottom-line financial performance — be prepared to invest in a disciplined corporate messaging development and infusion process. Because, when it comes to the ROI on your story … you get what you ask for.