Today, many business leaders feel like firefighters. Constantly adjusting strategies and messages based on prevailing winds shifting on a day-to-day basis.

The job of a business leader is not to fight fires. Instead, their job is to establish anchors for the organization in a world of constant change. More specifically, leaders are responsible for setting clear expectations for what will not change. What will remain true and constant – no matter what. Irrespective of changes going on inside and outside of the business.

What are those anchors? They are the messages that …

> Describe the heart and soul of the business
> Differentiate the brand
> Distill what the company stands for
> Define customer experience expectations

Often, these “anchor messages” get pushed aside when the company is going through rapid change. It’s all about the here and now. It’s all about daily tactics and firefighting. The sad thing is … this is precisely the wrong thing to do. Because when the storms roll in — employees and customers need to call upon those anchor messages.

They need to be reminded of what matters most and the things that aren’t changing. They need to connect with messages that define the foundation of the business. Messages that will guide how they react to change and make decisions that are in the best interest of the business – long-term.

Executive teams that have established and communicated clear, compelling and consistent anchor messages – can weather any storm. They can get through the daily fires and still deliver superior business results. Those that have not engrained these messages into the hearts and minds of employees and customers … cannot.

Do your employees and customers clearly understand your company’s purpose?

What about your brand promise?

Do employees embody your core values?

Do employees and customers understand what differentiates you from the competition?

Do they have a firm grasp of your strategy and vision?

Only when employees and customers have knowledge of and belief in these “anchor messages” can they rise above daily distractions and disappointments – and remain loyal and true to your business.

Learn how we can help you establish anchor messages that elevate organizational performance and accelerate growth. Speak with our experts today.

That’s Your OnMessage Minute.