Data and analytics, the explosion of digital channels and employee involvement are all factors rapidly changing how companies develop and deliver their story throughout the customer experience.

And while formulating a meaningful and relevant message is critical to success — delivering a clear, consistent and connected story throughout the customer experience will determine the winners and losers in the future.

An article on crystalizes this thought …

“People don’t need more ads, emails, ebooks, webinars, workshops, phone messages, sales meetings … they need an experience that helps you turn their interest to purchase. You must think about every touchpoint in a very intentional way rather than simply creating yet another marketing initiative.”

That’s why establishing “intentional” connectivity and continuity of your story throughout the customer experience is crucial. It’s not that CMOs haven’t tried to align messages across campaigns in the past. But this is different. We live in an omnichannel world and messaging management has become a pervasive challenge.

In fact, according to the CMO Council, 75 percent of marketing executives believe they are doing a poor job managing marketing and sales messages throughout the customer experience. To be successful, CMOs must embrace an enterprise-wide messaging “infusion” mentality. They must design and implement an entirely new approach to delivering a consistent corporate story throughout the customer journey.

This requires reaching across “party lines” and developing cross-functional messaging delivery processes across all customer-facing areas of the business. It also demands having a comprehensive Messaging Platform in place to ensure that everyone has access to and embraces the same story. Ultimately, marketing executives will have to transform the organization into a “customer-centric” organization that is intentionally designed to bring a clear, compelling and consistent story to life throughout the customer experience.

Is messaging consistency a challenge for your business? 

Request a briefing with our experts to learn how we are helping companies overcome this growing problem.

Request a briefing with our experts to learn how we are helping companies overcome this growing problem.

That’s Your OnMessage Minute.