“Whatever the category, clear and consistent messaging across all channels is vital in providing an authentic, believable and coherent customer experience.”
— Insight Agents Research

If you want your message to be a difference maker in the customer experience — it must be delivered consistently. For this to happen, you need to get your entire leadership team and eventually your entire employee population to understand one simple truth: words matter.

The words used to describe what you stand for, what you do, what makes you different and the value you deliver … matter. In fact, Insight Agents found that almost 50 percent of a brand’s image is attributed to what it says and how it says it.

Why is consistency so important?

Because, inconsistent messaging creates confusion for both employees and customers. Lack of clarity and consistency damages the brand, reduces trust, and, in the end, negatively impacts your customer experience.

Delivering a consistent story isn’t just problematic in print and digital communication. It is also a huge barrier in conversations with customers. In fact, a report published by CEB shows 53 percent of sales executives say that consistent messaging in the sales process is a significant challenge.

The ability to deliver a consistent message — online and offline — can be the difference between building a highly trusted and memorable customer experience … or a disconnected and confusing customer journey. The Journal of Business Strategy explains why developing and delivering a consistent story should be a C-suite priority …

“Taking a focused and deliberate approach in crafting a corporate story will enable companies to align leaders, engage employees and create distinct competitive positioning.”

Does your organization need to do a better job at delivering a clear, compelling and consistent message throughout the customer experience?

Request a briefing with one of our experts today to learn how we can help set your team up for success.

That’s Your OnMessage Minute.